It has always been God's desire to dwell in and walk among His people in all His fullness since the beginning until
the end. We were created to be the habitation of God, to carry His manifest presence and glory. There is a
difference between the Spirit of God living in us and God taking full residence in us. We can pursue this by
having a willing heart, bringing a costly offering and doing it according to God's pattern. For God to receive us
as His dwelling place, it would cost us something, we have to be washed by the Word, come out and be
separate. The path to habitation is to pursue peace with all men, pursue holiness and grow in love. The result of
habitation is healing happens, the whole city gathers and there is overflow. So, if we are to yield to the Lord,
allow Him and cooperate with Him for us to be built together, in holiness and love for one another,
then, we become, corporately, the habitation of the Lord.